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Recent Innovations in Intelligent Neural Systems: Harnessing Human Biological Neuronal Computation via Simple Video Games

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
1:40 PM - 2:10 PM
Ballroom 1


Presenter: Dr. Brad Watmuff, Head of Assay Development, Cortical Labs


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Dr Brad Watmuff
Head of Assay Development
Cortical Labs

Recent innovations in intelligent neural systems: Harnessing human biological neuronal computation via simple video games

1:40 PM - 2:10 PM


Dr Brad Watmuff (he/him) is Head of Assay Development at Cortical Labs, where his experience in stem cell neurobiology and in vitro disease modelling is used to explore the fledgling fields of translational gameplay and synthetic biological intelligence. Dr Watmuff’s other research interests include bioinformatic methods for the analysis of novel neuronal data, and outside of the lab likes to advocate for open science – publishing, data sharing, and open-source code. Cortical Labs has been at the forefront of the emerging field of synthetic biological intelligence, with their landmark paper showing that human neurons growing in a dish learn to effect change in a simple video game environment. In this talk, Brad will share updates on the state of this technology, and the drug screening and neuropschyiatric disorder modelling applications this platform will potentially enable.