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The 3D’s Digitalisation, Decarbonisation and Diversification and their impact on Life Sciences Innovation

Tuesday, September 24, 2024
1:10 PM - 1:50 PM
Ballroom 1


Presenter: Louise McGrath, Head of Industry Development and Policy, Australian Industry


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Louise McGrath
Head of Industry Development and Policy
Australian Industry Group

The 3D’s Digitalisation, Decarbonisation and Diversification and their impact on Life Sciences Innovation

1:10 PM - 1:50 PM


Louise has a broad range of experience in international policy. She has particular interest in trade and border regulations, international transport, cross cultural communication, and digital trade policy. In her role as Ai Group’s Head of Industry Development and Policy she provides strategic leadership and guidance for Ai Group’s policy agenda in building competitive industries through global integration, infrastructure development and innovation. She ensures that through policy leadership members have a voice at all levels of government, by representing and promoting their interests on current and emerging issues. Louise represents Australian Industry in several multilateral forums, such as the B20 Taskforces, Global Business Coalition, and the East Asia Business Council working group on RCEP. She advocates for the interests of Ai Group members during Free Trade Negotiations and translates those agreements to support the strategic aims of members. She is a member of CSIRO’s Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence Think Tank and the Manufacturing Advisory Group, the NESP Sustainable Communities and Waste Hub and the Advisory Group of The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS).